App Design
Food for Thought was an ethical based project all about food wastage. I decided on this particular issue as I wanted to highlight a problem that that isn’t on a lot of people’s minds. But after doing background research on food waste I believe there is a real ethical issue here and I wanted to create an outcome to combat it in a positive way. The idea for my final outcome was to create an app aimed to target food waste. As we move further into the digital age, peoples shopping habits have changed, we now have smart fridges that can order food items and apps our phones to food shop from the comfort of our front rooms. The app is a modern day solution to food waste as it allows you to remain mobile. The idea behind the app was to combine a way to positively save fresh food waste in a single occupancy household as this target group was identified through research to be the highest causes of food wastage. The app has many features; primarily it enables you to log and enter ‘used by’ dates for the food you buy, this will essentially alert you as to when the food needs to be consumed. The app also provides helpful freezing and defrosting instructions for people who are less confident in that area of the kitchen as some people may be unaware of what can and can’t be frozen and may see throwing the food away as a solution to be ‘safe rather than sorry’. The Food for Thought app also comes with helpful meal suggestions in relation to what you have logged in your fridge, freezer and cupboards, as well acting as a shopping list, reminding you about what you already have at home. All these elements within the app have been created with reducing food waste in mind, providing helpful and ingenious ways of storing food, managing meals and using up leftovers all in the attempt to reduce food waste.